From the bottles

Why prefer reusable water bottles?


Have you ever wondered how much single-use plastic bottles affect our environment? Every day, millions of water containers made of plastic bottles are bought and used in the world, which after one use end up in landfills or even worse - in nature. Fortunately, we have an alternative that helps reduce the amount of plastic waste and preserve a clean environment. Portable and reusable water bottles is one such solution, by using which we can make a big contribution to a more environmentally friendly future. In this blog post, we'll look at why we should opt for portable water bottles and ditch store-bought single-use plastic bottles. We also talk about the deposit packaging system and its limitations, as it does not solve the problem of plastic bottles once and for all. In addition, we highlight the fact that store-bought water is always more expensive than tap water.

  1. Environmental friendliness: Single-use plastic bottles are one of the biggest environmental problems in today's society. They slowly break down and pollute our oceans, rivers and nature. Although the deposit packaging system is used in some countries and partially helps to reduce the amount of plastic waste, it is not the final solution. Some plastic bottles still end up in the trash, and generally the recycling process takes energy and resources. However, portable and reusable water bottles are a more sustainable option because they can be used repeatedly, thereby significantly reducing the generation of plastic waste and the harmful impact on the environment.
  2. Financial savings: By buying single-use plastic bottles, we spend more money in the long run. Store-bought bottled water is always more expensive than tap water, which is mostly of the same quality and safe for consumption. However, by investing in a reusable water bottle, we can fill it with tap water anywhere, be it at home, at work or while traveling. This helps save money on the wallet and at the same time supports a more environmentally friendly lifestyle.

In addition, I would like to point out that Drink Dream offers a new set of portable water bottles called “Motivation”. This set includes three different sizes with capacities of 2 liters, 900 ml and 350 ml. We offer water bottle moplets in four different colors: purple, pink, green and blue. Drink Dreami products are practical, stylish and made of high-quality materials that ensure long-term use. Their use helps to reduce plastic waste and encourages us to take care of both our health and the environment.

Summary: Portable and reusable water bottles are a more environmentally friendly alternative to single-use plastic bottles. Although the deposit packaging system can help to reduce the amount of plastic waste to some extent, it is not the final solution. By investing in portable water bottles, we can reduce the impact of plastic waste on the environment and at the same time save money, because store-bought water is always more expensive than tap water. Drink Dreami “Motivation” set of water bottles offers a practical and stylish solution that is suitable for everyday use and helps us to be more environmentally conscious consumers. Let's take a small step towards a better future together by choosing portable and reusable water bottles!

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