Privacy Policy is committed to protecting the privacy of customers and users. Based on this, we have prepared these privacy policy principles, which deal with the collection, use, publication, transmission and storage of customer data. Our activities on the Internet are in accordance with all relevant activities and the relevant legislation of the European Union and the laws of the Republic of Estonia. Please take a moment to familiarize yourself with our privacy policy. 

Collection and use of personal data
Personal data is your data, specifically or indirectly associated with a private person, which collects and processes in order to fulfill a contract concluded with an individual or to contact him or her and to fulfill obligations arising from the law.

The collection of personal data of a regular customer can be done in the following ways:

  • when submitting contact data (including your name, personal identification number, postal address, phone number, e-mail address, preferred contact method) on our website or elsewhere (e.g. stores);
  • when using the website from the customer's account information or via cookies;
  • when making a purchase or order in our store or e-store when storing a person's contact data or data regarding purchase preferences ( may ask you to voluntarily provide personal data and personal information in certain areas of the website. The required personal data may include name, address, zip code, e-mail address, phone number and other data );
  • when submitting an application for installment payments.

Collection of other data
We also collect non-personalized data - data that cannot be directly linked to a specific person (gender, age, language preference, location).
We may also collect data about customer activities on our website. This data is aggregated and used so that we can deliver more useful information to our customers and learn which parts of the website, products and services are of most interest to us. Aggregated data is treated as non-personalized data in this privacy policy.

Use and storage of collected personal data

With the help of collected personal data, we can inform customers about product news, campaigns and future events. A customer who does not want to be on our newsletter list or receive notifications about products that may interest him can remove himself from the target group of recipients at any time. 

We also use the collected personal data to deliver the goods and to fulfill our obligations to the customer. 

By accepting the terms of the privacy policy, the customer gives consent to the automated processing of their data. You can always withdraw your consent via our website or by making a statement in a form that allows for written reproduction. There is no retroactive effect on the application or withdrawal of consent.

In order to better serve the client, may disclose information about users to a third party that provides services to and is contractually obligated to keep the shared information confidential. A third party is, for example, our partner, whose tasks are the transport of goods sold in the e-shop or the provision of an installment payment service. 

The customer's personal data is stored by until the regular customer contract is terminated. Data that is obliged to store as a result of legislation (e.g. accounting data) is stored by based on the requirements set out in legislation. 

Modification of collected personal data
The personal data collected to identify and contact the customer can be viewed, changed and supplemented on our website "My Account" area.

Protection of personal data implements all precautions (including administrative, technical and physical measures) to protect the customer's personal data. Only authorized persons have access to change and process data. 

If you suspect that your personal data has been handled contrary to what is described in this privacy policy or there is a risk that your data has been leaked to strangers, notify us immediately. This is the only way we can keep the potential damage as low as possible.

The customer has the right to demand the termination of the processing of his data, information about the use of the data and the transfer of data to himself or a third party in a commonly used format. In order to avoid misuse of the customer's data and rights, requests may only be submitted in a form where the applicant's identity can be identified (digitally signed or personally signed at the representative office). We reserve the right to respond to such requests within 30 days. 

We treat the request to stop data processing as a statement to terminate the contract of a loyal customer. 

All personal data of the customer that becomes known in the course of visiting the e-store and making purchases is treated as confidential information. An encrypted data communication channel with banks ensures the security of the purchaser's personal data and bank details.

Privacy Policy Terms and Changes

By starting to use our website or by filling out the regular customer application, you have read and accepted these principles and conditions. We reserve the right to change the general conditions of the privacy policy if necessary, informing all regular customers, but we do our best to keep our privacy policy up-to-date and available to you on our website.

The responsible processor of the client's personal data is Nunun OÜ. For any questions or concerns about the privacy policy or data processing, please contact us at

You always have the right to contact the Data Protection Inspectorate or the court to protect your data. In the form of the Data Protection Inspectorate, it is a state institution that can also be contacted for consultation or assistance on personal data protection issues.